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Last year was a year of fierce trials. I felt as if I were drowning. I was going through so much at my job, and the stress was overwhelming. One day, at Hobby Lobby I just had an urge to start drawing again. I had not picked up a pencil to draw in over twenty years. Since high school. I had not painted in that long either. I stood at the store, and looked at poster board, and paper and canvases, and suddenly, I needed to do this.


I bought several poster boards, and some paper, pencils and soft pastels. I came home and sat and just waited. I stared at a the blank paper, and I began to just feel. All the things that I could not say, I poured onto the blank paper in front of me. I began to draw, and started adding color with chalk.. a few hours later I stared at this lion, that had come alive all on his own, it seemed. He spoke justice to me. He spoke peace. When I desperately needed justice and peace to prevail in my life. God is so faithful... He became my voice when I felt I had no voice. He became my roar. I started making art again when I felt lost, and when i felt alone.. and when I desperately needed God to intervene in my life... and He did intervene. Not in the way that I expected.. but in the way I now realize I needed. 


If you check out the paintings, you will notice the lions... I love them!! They speak to me. They teach me about different aspects of God's awesome characteristics. I'll share what I learn within the description of the paintings. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah. And worship art.. I love that too. I am learning as I go, and having fun while doing it. If you find yourself interested in one of the paintings, please, feel free to contact me! I would love to answer any questions you might have. May you be blessed as you visit my site. This site will be continuously under construction, as we learn to improve.. so, bear with me! =) 


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